As Meirin and Shuuko cheer at Asuka and Takashi in action during soccer practice, Daisuke grouses at his poor fortune as he wonders if there is a way that he can have a piece of the glory pie from Yue; ironically, Daisuke reads as his second chance Yue declaring the necessity of the ornamental paper ball coordinator only to find that the circumstantial logistics have become a bitter and relentless adversary. Daisuke initially makes headway with the ball in spite of his mom loudly and aggressively coercing his assistance with the store but realizes that he will end up dropping the ball if he cannot work on it at night and calls upon Dr. Rin for her counsel to this end. Between Daisuke's misapplication of Dr. Rin's counsel and his mother defeating it, Daisuke has it driven home that the ornamental paper ball task is too much for him alone in spite of his sincere and well-intentioned efforts; a protracted nocturnal labor session alongside Asuka and Meirin later, Daisuke ultimately completes the ball and even adds in lots of cherry blooms as an extra bonus thanks to Nanao's deus ex machina counsel.